Understanding Your Bill

The name of your water company and contact information are listed at the top of your statement. If your sewer company has elected to include their charges on the same statement, their name and contact information along with their charges for the month are listed in a separate box on the right hand side of the statement.

The first line of your statement includes your 15 digit Customer account number and the address that corresponds with the service location. The date of the current meter reading is also provided there.

Each month a meter reader records the reading from your meter. Last month's meter reading is subtracted from the current reading to determine the number of units of water that have gone through the meter during the billing period. You are sent a monthly statement for the corresponding amount of water and applicable taxes and government fees. Each meter reading (current and previous) is listed in the Billing Summary for Water Service along with the number of units of water. The unit of measure is listed above the number of units of water. The corresponding rate for the measured amount is listed under the amount column.

The date by which your payment needs to be received by us is listed under the Billing Summary boxes. To avoid penalty, please ensure your payment is received by us by or before the date indicated. For a complete list of methods to pay your bill, please visit our Payment Options section.

A detachable stub is provided at the bottom of the statement. If you are paying by mail, please detach the stub and include it in the envelope with your payment. Always write your 15 digit Customer Account number on your payment. This ensures proper posting should your payment become separated from your stub. Your 15 digit Customer account number is located on the left side of the first line of your statement.


Plumbing line - the pipe that connects the customers home to the water meter. This line and all attached are property of the customer and maintained by the customer.

Metered Service - service for which the charges are computed on the basis of measured quantities of water.

Distribution Main - piping that is owned by the water company and is used to deliver water from the source to your property.
Service Line - piping that is owned by the water company and is used to bring water from the distribution main to the water meter.
Stop and waste valve - a valve owned by the customer, usually installed outside of the home near a kitchen or bathroom, used to stop water from entering the home when interior repairs are necessary. 
Curb stop - the valve located at the meter for use by water company employees to start or stop service to the meter setting. 
Estimate - when a physical barrier or condition renders the meter inaccessible or unreadable, a bill will be generated based on average historical usage data.
Billing cycle - the frequency with which the meter is read and statements are generated. Meters are read monthly and billing is generated from the monthly water readings. 
Irrigation - water used primarily for landscape watering.
Domestic usage - water used by residence or a business for human consumption or everyday process including cleaning, drinking, goods production or other similar uses. 


Do I have a leak?

  If your bills have increased dramatically, it may be due to a leak. To check for a leak, turn off all faucets in the home or anything that may use water. Once this step is taken, walk out to your meter and check to see if you meter's leak indicator is moving. If all faucets are in the off position, nothing should be placing a demand on your meter and the leak indicator should not be moving whatsoever. If it is moving, there is a leak on your property.


Is my meter read every month? 

Yes. The water company sends a meter reader to your meter each month. If you feel the meter reading is not accurate, you may consider walking out to your meter and reading it to see if the reading is a higher number than what the reader meter has reported.